Keep Your Automatic Transmission In Good Shape


It is up to you to keep your automatic transmission in good shape. There are easy steps that you can take, even if you don't know a lot about cars, to keep your transmission in good shape. Your transmission is what helps propel your vehicle down the road, and needs attention and care just like the rest of your vehicle. #1 Change The Fluid On Time First off, you need to make sure that you change your transmission fluid on schedule.

26 September 2018

Proactively Checking Your Car's Fluids For Signs Of Future Mechanical Problems


Have you ever wondered how your car knows you are low on cash and its the worst possible time to break down on you? It really does seem that cars have mechanical problems when you can least afford to repair them or don't have the time in your busy schedule to get your vehicle into the repair shop. To take some of the mystery out of your car's mechanical function and get a glimpse into future mechanical failures, you should proactively check its fluids and look for signs of a problem.

26 September 2018

How to Quickly and Easily Fix a Chevy Blazer's Idle Control Problem


If your Chevy Blazer is having a problem with idle control, then it likely needs to have its idle control valve replaced and the throttle bore cleaned out. The great news is that even if you have no idea what this means or where those parts are located, you can still make this very minor repair yourself from home using a Robertson or square head screwdriver. Diagnosing the Idle Control Issue

26 September 2018

The Maintenance Problems You Should Have A Professional Look At


There is something special about owning an RV and taking to the road for a vacation or even as a way of life. However, if you are traveling in an RV for extended periods of time, that vehicle is subjected to the elements and wear and tear. If you are mechanically inclined, it's possible that you could do some of the repairs yourself. What maintenance problems should you have a professional take a look at?

26 September 2018

Four Signs You Desperately Need Transmission Repair


Your transmission is not its own independent system: it is integrally linked to the operation of your engine, as it is what allows your engine to change gears. Without a properly functioning transmission, your engine would struggle to speed up or slow down and would damage itself in the process of normal driving. As such, paying attention to the state of your transmission is an essential part of car maintenance. Understanding some of the earliest red flags associated with a failing transmission can help you head to a mechanic before the issues can grow to become too serious.

26 September 2018

Three Warning Signs Of An Overheating Engine


Your engine is the main component of your vehicle, since it is the only mechanical part that actually creates motion for your vehicle. Every other system plays a role in helping the engine operate. However, this means that your engine is necessarily under a great deal of stress. This can lead to your engine overheating, which can cause all sorts of complications and negative effects for your vehicle. Fortunately, there are a few different warning signs of engine overheating that you can watch out for to determine when you should talk to an auto repair shop about inspecting your engine to determine if there is an underlying problem that is causing heating issues for your engine.

26 September 2018

Transmission Care Tips You Need To Know


A frequently overlooked component of a vehicle is the transmission. This is because the transmission doesn't need much maintenance when compared to other components of a vehicle, like tire pressure or engine oil. Unfortunately, neglecting your vehicle's transmission can cause a lot of problems. Here are some tips to make sure your transmission is working properly. Check The Transmission Fluid Your transmission fluid may not need to be regularly replaced, but you still need to check it.

26 September 2018