Kyle Gregory

All Weather Performance: Four Auto Improvements for Better Performance in Any Driving Conditions


You always want your car to perform at its bests. The changes in weather can affect the performance of your car and you want to do improvements to minimalize these problems. During the winter months, you may want to consider options like using thinner fluids. During the summer months, you may want to use your fluids and summer cooling solutions. Here are some auto improvements for better performance. 1. Better Summer Performance with the Right Cooling Improvements

23 October 2018

Tips For Maintaining Your Vehicle's Transmission


Having the transmission go on your vehicle can be just as bad as having the engine seize. You can't operate the auto without a working transmission, and it is not going to be a cheap fix. However, if you take the time to properly maintain it, you should not have to worry about this part for as long as you own it. Here are a few tips to help you keep this important part of your vehicle in good working condition.

10 October 2018

Recover The Full Value Of Your Car After An Accident


The sound of breaking glass and buckling metal can only mean one thing: you have been in an accident. Each time a driver gets behind the wheel, the potential for an auto accident exists. Auto insurance is designed to help provide protection against financial harm following an auto accident. The purpose of having insurance is to make you whole after an accident. This is a goal that can be impossible to achieve.

10 October 2018

Four Signs You Need To Replace Your Alternator


Your vehicle's alternator works to charge your battery while you are driving. As such, an improperly functioning alternator can leave your battery without enough charge to power the electrical systems within your vehicle, ranging from the radio to the engine's ignition system itself. Understanding some of the more common warning signs associated with an alternator that is no longer doing its job properly can help you identify when you should talk to an auto repair specialist about replacement.

10 October 2018

Four Advantages Of Flushing Your Transmission


Your transmission is the next most important part of your vehicle after the engine, since it is what allows your engine to actually alter the amount of power that it is producing and thus regulate your speed while driving. Just like all other components of your vehicle, your transmission needs to be regularly maintained in order to stay in good working condition. The most important part of maintaining your transmission is the regular flushing of transmission fluid: understanding the benefits of regular transmission flushing can encourage you to schedule an appointment with your mechanic.

10 October 2018

Three Signs You're Overdue for an Oil Change


After fuel, engine oil is arguably the most important fluid that goes into your vehicle since it performs a few essential functions, such as lubricating and cooling down your engine and cleaning various components under the hood. Having inadequate amounts of oil, or oil that has been overused and is filled with dirt and other contaminants, can cause all sorts of problems for your engine—and the rest of your vehicle by extension.

10 October 2018

Here's Why Your Truck Keeps Breaking Down


It's one thing for your truck to break down after a few months, but it's another thing entirely to be at the repair shop every other week. Such a high frequency of breakdowns usually points to a serious underlying issue that isn't being addressed. The other factor to consider is whether it's the same component that keeps breaking down or whether it's random components inside your truck. When you face such issues, it's important to identify the main issue especially if the truck is relatively new.

9 October 2018

Three Ways to Prepare for a Long Distance Trip


One of the most stressful things about owning a vehicle is that it never breaks down when it's convenient. At no time is it more inconvenient than when you and the family are on a road trip. Whether it's traversing the country or cruising down the interstate in your vehicle, stranded on the side of the road is the last place you want to be. Here's how to make sure you are prepared as well as possible in case something happens.

9 October 2018

Signs That Tell You That Your Diesel Engine Needs To Be Repaired


It is very important to make sure that you are well aware of the signs that your diesel engine may be in need of some professional repairs by a mechanic. This way, you will know when it is time to schedule a repair appointment with a trusted mechanic that has a lot of experience with diesel engines. Here are some of the following signs of diesel engine trouble that you will want to keep an eye out for.

8 October 2018

Why Is Your Vehicle Shaky When Starting Up?


The process of turning the key in the ignition is expected to be followed by a car smoothly starting up, but it doesn't always work that way. Your car may be shaking when going through this routine process when it never did it in the past. Here are some reasons the car is behaving this way. Plugs That Are Bad One potential reason for vehicle shaking may be due to bad plugs causing the engine to misfire, so the engine doesn't have the spark it needs for it to start up properly.

8 October 2018